MILSA participants 2017/2018
Corinne aus der Au

Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, Germany
During the fifth semester of the Bachelor of Nursing at the Berner Fachhochschule it is possible to go abroad for three months. I chose Berlin, because the city fascinated me during earlier visits. Being able to complete a module at the Evangelische Hochschule Berlin has given me a more in-depth theoretical view of the health care system in Germany. Now I am in the second half of my studies abroad and working in a hospital as a trainee nurse. My main goal is to gain experiences from the German health care system in a theoretical and practical way. Participating the MILSA program helps me to reflect on my experiences abroad and share them with other interested students.
Leandra Hildbrand

University of Potsdam, Germany
For the third semester of my Master’s program in Public Management & Policy at the University of Bern, I decided not to go to one of the partner universities in another Swiss Canton, but to head to the „large Canton“ in the North instead – to the city of Potsdam in Germany. Potsdam was not only attractive to me because of its lovely parks and castles and its proximity to the vibrant city of Berlin, but also because it is home to a very renowned university in my field. My personal goal for the current semester abroad is to benefit the most from the excellent academic environment while broadening my horizon by living in another European country and meeting fellow students from all over the world. Hopefully, participating in the MILSA mentoring program will help me complete my goal by actively reflecting on the intercultural experiences I make in Germany. Moreover, through the exchange with other students from my home university and our mentor, we get valuable guidance and can share common experiences in order to deepen our intercultural knowledge.
Yannick Hunziker

University of Uppsala, Sweden
I am a biology student from the University of Bern. During the fall semester of 2017, I am studying at the University of Uppsala, Sweden. For this 5th semester, I set the goal to see what the lectures and university, but also the student’s life in general is like in another country. I chose Uppsala as my destination because of its reputation of being a very student-oriented city, as well as the interesting offer of courses for biologists with a lot of practical experience included. Being outside in Swedish nature with the course is as fascinating as it can get!
Additionally participating in the MILSA program helps me reflect on the situation I am in to a further extent and to benefit from the contacts I am able to build up from all over the world with other international students.
Stefan Müller

Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven, Belgium
During the first semester of the academic year 2017/2018, I am visiting the Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven in Flanders, Belgium. Against the background of my Master’s program in business administration at the University of Bern, I am using my semester in Leuven to expand on my knowledge in topics with which I got in touch with during the development of my Master’s thesis.
I am participating in the MILSA mentoring program because I would like to become aware of my own cultural roots while discovering foreign values, norms and traditions. Moreover, I would like to learn how I can embrace cultural differences, gain productive insights out of them and thus further develop my intercultural competence.