MILSA participants 2020/2021

Marina Schärer

© Marina Schärer

University of Bergen

I am a Master of Law student and I’m spending the fall semester 2020 in Bergen, Norway. Since the beginning of my studies I wanted to embrace the chance to spend one semester in a foreign country. But in contrast to other European universities, the faculty of law at UNIBE only allows you to do an exchange semester when you finished your Bachelors degree. Why Bergen? I’ve always been fascinated by Scandinavian culture and history. Therefore my options were either Norway, Sweden or Finland. Course options and landscape convinced me to come to Syvfjellsbyen (city of seven mountains). Although for people knowing the mountains in Switzerland, Bergen is surrounded by small hills (Mount Ulriken with its 643m being the highest)... The city is also known for its heavy rain, whoever is visiting Bergen sometime, don’t forget to bring your umbrella, raincoat and rainboots. I am looking forward to meeting new people and getting to know their culture, language and habits. I’m also looking forward to spend time at the university. Because from the faculty of law you have a spectacular view on the fjords.

Laura Sennhauser

© Laura Sennhauser

University of Padua

I study Clinical Psychology in the second year of my Master’s degree. Italy with its openminded people, beautiful landscapes and amazing food has always fascinated me and it has been my dream for a long time to actually live in that country for a longer period of time. Furthermore, I really love the Italian language and the Italian lifestyle. Therefore I am very excited and looking forward to spending half a year alla Università di Padova which is one of the oldest universities for Psychology. I am curious to get to know a foreign university with a different emphasis, to meet new people and emerge myself in a new culture - Viva l’Italia!

Paco Buxtorf

© Paco Buxtorf

Lisbon, NOVA School of Business and Economics

I am studying Business Administration at the University of Bern and will study for the coming semester at the NOVA School of Business and Economics in Lisbon, Portugal. During my language stay in Dublin I have learnt to appreciate how rewarding cultural exchange can be for me personally. Therefore, I knew that I wanted to spend a semester abroad. So here we are. There are two main reasons why I chose Lisbon as my destination. Firstly, Lisbon is famous for its internationality and I hope to get in touch with some people with a different cultural background. Secondly Lisbon is a sunny spot and the university is located next to the beach what means that I am going to spend some time there even in the fall semester. In general I'm looking forward to the time in Lisbon and I hope to get to know the Portuguese way of life and that the exchange will help me to improve my academic as well as my social and cultural skills.

Rahel Luder

© Rahel Luder

Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas

I am studying Social Sciences as well as Business Informatics as minor. In my minor I will do my exchange semester. My semester abroad will be my last semester in my bachelor’s degree. Since I already visited France a few times and had a lot of French language courses in school, I really want to get to know French life. The possibility of going abroad is something which was recommended to me from a lot of friends and so I decided to study my last semester in Paris. The university will be teaching in French and I am curious to meet their teaching style, new people, as well as different cultures, and hopefully I will make a lot of unforgettable memories.